Latest News

Andrea Meilán-Vila is promoted to Senior Assistant Professor

Andrea Meilán-Vila has been promoted to Senior Assistant Professor (Personal Investigador Doctor)! The promotion was achieved from the public call announced by the UC3M’s Resolution of November 5, 2024.

Paul Axmann obtains a PhD grant from the STENED project

Paul Axmann joins NICDA through a PhD grant within the ‘Stein-based goodness-of-fit TEsts for Non-Euclidean Data’ (STENED) project! Paul will officially start his PhD at the Department of Mathematics of at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology in February 2025.

Launch of the Statistics Reading Club

The NICDA group will be having a “Statistics Reading Group” to read and discuss technical books in Statistics and Probability. The first book we will read is Anirban DasGupta’s Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning. This reference book of 20 chapters and 784 pages gives a great overview of fundamental and modern probability methodology that is key for statistical inference. Therefore, it is a great resource for PhD students and researchers in Statistics.