Multivariate analysis in vector time series


This paper reviews the applications of classical multivariate techniques for discrimination, clustering and dimension reduction for time series data. It is shown that the discrimination problem can be seen as a model selection problem. Some of the results obtained in the time domain are reviewed. Clustering time series requires the definition of an adequate metric between univariate time series and several possible metrics are analyzed. Dimension reduction has been a very active line of research in the time series literature and the dynamic principal components or canonical analysis of Box and Tiao (1977) and the factor model as developed by Peña and Box (1987) and Peña and Poncela (1998) are analyzed. The relation between the nonstationary factor model and the cointegration literature is also reviewed.

Resenhas, The Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sao Paolo
Pedro Galeano
Pedro Galeano
Associate Professor