NICDA Research Group
NICDA Research Group
W. González-Manteiga
Testing for linearity in scalar on function regression with responses missing at random
Tests de bondad de ajuste para el modelo lineal funcional basados en proyecciones
A review of goodness-of-fit tests for models involving functional data
A goodness-of-fit test for the functional linear model with functional response
Goodness-of-fit tests for functional linear models based on integrated projections
Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random
Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes
Smoothing-based tests with directional random variables
Functional principal component regression: An overview and a comparative study
Parameter estimation of the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random
Testing parametric models in linear-directional regression
Central limit theorems for directional and linear random variables with applications
A goodness-of-fit test for the functional linear model with scalar response
A test for directional-linear independence, with applications to wildfire orientation and size
Exploring wind direction and SO$_2$ concentration by circular-linear density estimation
Kernel density estimation for directional-linear data
Measures of influence in the functional linear model with scalar response
Influence in the functional linear model with scalar response
Outlier detection in functional data by depth measures with application to identify abnormal NOx levels
A functional analysis of NOx levels: Location and scale estimation and outlier detection